ON Person (LastName DESC) If you want to index more than one column you can list the column names within the parentheses, separated by commas:CREATE INDEX PersonIndex
ON Person (LastName, FirstName)
SQL Drop Index, Table and Database
Drop Index
You can delete an existing index in a table with the DROP statement.DROP INDEX table_name.index_name
Delete a Table or Database
To delete a table (the table structure, attributes, and indexes will also be deleted):DROP TABLE table_name To delete a database:DROP DATABASE database_name
Truncate a Table
What if we only want to get rid of the data inside a table, and not the table itself? Use the TRUNCATE TABLE command (deletes only the data inside the table):TRUNCATE TABLE table_name
The ALTER TABLE statement is used to add or drop columns in an existing table.ALTER TABLE table_name
ADD column_name datatypeALTER TABLE table_name
DROP COLUMN column_name Note: Some database systems don't allow the dropping of a column in a database table (DROP COLUMN column_name).
Person:LastName FirstName Address
pettersen Kari Storgt 20
To add a column named "City" in the "Person" table:ALTER TABLE Person ADD City varchar(30) Result:LastName FirstName Address City
Pettersen Kari Storgt 20 Example
To drop the "Address" column in the "Person" table:ALTER TABLE Person DROP COLUMN Address Result:LastName FirstName City
Pettersen Kari
SQL Functions
SQL has a lot of built-in functions for counting and calculations.
Function Syntax
The syntax for built-in SQL functions is:SELECT function(column) FROM table
Types of Functions
There are several basic types and categories of functions in SQL. The basic types of functions are: Aggregate Functions
Scalar functions Aggregate functions
Aggregate functions operate against a collection of values, but return a single value.Note: If used among many other expressions in the item list of a SELECT statement, the SELECT must have a GROUP BY clause!!"Persons" table (used in most examples)
Name Age
Hansen, Ola 34
Svendson, Tove 45
Pettersen, Kari 19 Aggregate functions in MS Access
Function Description
AVG(column) Returns the average value of a column
COUNT(column) Returns the number of rows (without a NULL value) of a column
COUNT(*) Returns the number of selected rows
FIRST(column) Returns the value of the first record in the specified field
LAST(column) Returns the value of the last record in the specified field
MAX(column) Returns the highest value of a column
MIN(column) Returns the lowest value of a column
SUM(column) Returns the total sum of a column
VARP(column) Aggregate functions in SQL Server
Function Description
AVG(column) Returns the average value of a column
COUNT(column) Returns the number of rows (without a NULL value) of a column
COUNT(*) Returns the number of selected rows
COUNT(DISTINCT column) Returns the number of distinct results
FIRST(column) Returns the value of the first record in the specified field
LAST(column) Returns the value of the last record in the specified field
MAX(column) Returns the highest value of a column
MIN(column) Returns the lowest value of a column
SUM(column) Returns the total sum of a column
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