The following table lists the SQL error codes. These codes are returned as the SQLCODE variable. To determine the meaning of an SQLCODE numeric code, use the following Caché ObjectScript statement:


This method can also be called as a stored procedure from ODBC or JDBC: %SYSTEM.SQL_SQLCODE(-nnn).

                                              SQL Error Codes
SQLCODE Error Code
WinSock: Nonauthoritative host not found
WinSock: Host not found
WinSock: Successful WSASTARTUP not yet performed
WinSock: WINSOCK DLL version out of range
WinSock: Network subsystem is unavailable
WinSock: Stale NFS file handle
WinSock: No route to host
WinSock: Host is down
WinSock: Connection refused
WinSock: Connection timed out
WinSock: Cannot send after socket shutdown
WinSock: Socket is not connected
WinSock: Socket is already connected
WinSock: No buffer space available
WinSock: Connection reset by peer (due to timeout or reboot)
WinSock: Net dropped connection or reset
WinSock: Network is unreachable
WinSock: Network is down
Fetch row count limit reached
Duplicate cursor name
Option value changed
Driver not capable
Fetch type out of range
Column type out of range
Invalid parameter number
Invalid string or buffer length
Function sequence error
Invalid column number
Memory allocation failure
Communication link failure
General error
Error in User Initialization Code
Message sequencing error
Unable to receive server message
Unable to send client message
Cannot initialize procedure context
Invalid number of input/output parameters for Stored Procedure
Stored Procedure Not Found
Invalid Stored Procedure Name
Error preparing Stored Procedure
Error processing Stored Procedure request
SELECT request processed via ODBC, JDBC, or Dynamic SQL cannot contain an INTO clause
Warning: UPDATE or DELETE statement does not contain a WHERE clause
Fatal error occurred within the SQL filer
No stream object defined for field
Invalid Directory
Invalid server function
Unable to start server
Unable to Write to Server Master
Unable to Write to Server
Unable to read from communication device
Invalid Username/Password
Fatal Connection error
Fatal error occurred
Cannot alter the datatype of a field to/from a stream type when the table contains data
An extrinsic function call may not call a % routine
Support for extrinsic function calls are disabled
:HVar = CALL ... Specified for a Procedure which does not return a value
Embedded SQL CALL Statement can only be used for Method Procedures
Schema name mismatch between trigger name and table name
Trigger name not unique
Trigger with same EVENT, TIME, and ORDER already defined
Trigger not found
Specified query or stored procedure not found
More than one query or stored procedure found that matches your specification
SQL Function (function Stored Procedure) not found
SQL Function (function Stored Procedure) name not unique
No such index defined
Index cannot be dropped because it is the IDKEY index and the table has data
Index with this name already defined for this table
Cannot DROP table — One or more Foreign Key constraints reference this table
Referenced table has no primary key defined
Cannot DROP Constraint — One or more Foreign Key constraints reference this Unique constraint
Constraint or Key not found
Foreign key references non-unique key/column collection
Foreign key with same name already defined for this table
Foreign key references non-existent table
Primary key already defined for this table
Column with this name already exists
Attempt to make field required when the table has one or more rows where the column value is NULL
Attempt to add a NOT NULL field with no default value to a table which contains data
DDL not allowed on this table definition
Table or View name not unique
View's WITH CHECK OPTION validation failed in UPDATE
View's WITH CHECK OPTION validation failed in INSERT
After Delete trigger failed
Before Delete trigger failed
After Update trigger failed
Before Update trigger failed
Before Insert trigger failed
Before Insert trigger failed
FOREIGN KEY Constraint failed referential check upon creation of the constraint
UNIQUE or PRIMARY KEY Constraint failed uniqueness check upon creation of the constraint
FOREIGN KEY Constraint failed referential check upon DELETE of row in referenced table
FOREIGN KEY Constraint failed referential check upon UPDATE of row in referenced table
FOREIGN KEY Constraint failed referential check upon UPDATE of row in referencing table
FOREIGN KEY Constraint failed referential check upon INSERT of row in referencing table
UNIQUE or PRIMARY KEY Constraint failed uniqueness check upon UPDATE
UNIQUE or PRIMARY KEY Constraint failed uniqueness check upon INSERT
Unknown or non-unique User or Role
Cannot INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE on a read only table
One or more matching rows is locked by another user
%THRESHOLD Violation
Access violation
Cannot INSERT into a 'Default Only' RowID or RowID based on field
Locking conflict in filing
Cannot find the row designated for UPDATE
Required field missing; INSERT or UPDATE not allowed
Cannot UPDATE RowID or RowID based on Fields
Row to DELETE not found
Field validation failed in UPDATE
Field validation failed in INSERT
Positioned UPDATE or DELETE attempted, but the cursor is not positioned on any row
Operation (FETCH/CLOSE/UPDATE/DELETE/...) attempted on an unopened cursor
Attempt to open a cursor that is already open
Privilege Violation
Duplicate select-list names found
Specified level of isolation is not supported
Operation Disallowed by Operation Table
Multi-Conditional OUTER JOINs are not supported
Number of conditions for the DIAGNOSTICS SIZE must be exact numeric
Level of isolation cannot be READ UNCOMMITTED if READ WRITE specified
Transaction mode cannot be specified more than once
Invalid view name
Invalid index name
Invalid field name
Invalid table name
Invalid field definition, no datatype defined
Multiple table %ROUTINE definitions found
Multiple table %NUMROWS definitions found
Multiple table %FILE definitions found
Multiple table %DESCRIPTION definitions found
Column Constraint expected
Integer expected
Referencing key and referenced key must be the same size
Invalid transaction state
Qualified column reference not allowed in this JOIN context
Cardinality mismatch between the SELECT-list and INTO-list
Trim spec and/or trim char required before FROM in TRIM function
Duplicate select-list alias names found
Aggregates not supported in ORDER BY clause
Multi-Line Field not valid in ORDER BY clause
Multi-Line Field must be the Left operand of the Comparison
Multi-Line Field only valid for LIKE, Contains ([), or NULL Comparison
SET file = value-expression not allowed with WHERE CURRENT OF cursor
DISTINCT not valid in subquery of FROM clause
Aggregate not valid in subquery of FROM clause
Redundant Fields Found in SELECT list
Positive integer constant or variable expected
Incompatible SELECT list is used in INSERT
Data Exception - invalid escape character
Additional new values expected for INSERT/UPDATE
Cursor not updateable
An action (%ALTER, SELECT, UPDATE, etc.) expected
Cannot have more than one field
Duplicate field found in trigger UPDATE of <fieldlist> clause
Trigger specifies WHEN clause when trigger language not SQL
Action not applicable to an object of this type
Invalid GRANT role TO or REVOKE role FROM
Array designator (last subscript omitted) expected after VALUES
Constant or variable expected as new value
Cursor (Already/Was Not) DECLAREd
SQL statement expected
Trigger specifies UPDATE OF <fieldlist> clause when trigger language not SQL
Trigger REFERENCING clause cannot be specified when trigger language not SQL
Invalid trigger REFERENCING clause for the trigger's event
Illegal characteristic keyword for this type of create operation
Duplicate query methods within the same statement
Duplicate characteristics when creating a query, method, or procedure
Closing quotes ("") missing following pattern match
An extrinsic function call must have the form '$$tag^routine(...)'
No RowID field for table
No master map for table
SQL Scalar/Aggregate/Unary function not supported for Stream fields
WITH CHECK OPTION (CHECKOPTION class parameter) not allowed for a non-updatable view
INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE not allowed for non-updatable view
%INORDER: FROM order inconsistent with outer join order
No field(s) found for table
Outer-join symbol ( =* or *= ) must be between two fields
Field not (Found/Mapped/Unique) in Table(s)
Table or View not found
Field ambiguous/not found
Host variable name must begin with either % or a letter
Ambiguous labels for field
Missing FROM clause
Input encountered after end of query
Table or View not found
Label is not listed in FROM
ORDER must specify column names, not numbers, when after 'SELECT *'
Name conflict in the FROM list over label
An aggregate function cannot be used in a WHERE clause
IS (or IS NOT) NULL predicate can be applied only to a field
A for-condition expected after the ( in the for-expression
A qualifier SOME or ALL expected after the FOR in the for-expression
A condition expected after NOT
A comparison operator is required here
An expression other than a subquery expected here
A term expected, beginning with one of the following: identifier, constant, aggregate, $$, :, (, +, -, %ALPHAUP, %UPPER, %STRING, or %EXACT
A scalar expression expected, not a condition
The SELECT list of the subquery must have exactly one item
Incompatible SELECT lists used in UNION
ORDER column is not in the SELECT list
ORDER must specify column number, not names, when after UNION
Column number specified in ORDER does not match SELECT list
A term expected, beginning with one of the following: identifier, constant, aggregate, %ALPHAUP, %UPPER, %STRING, %EXACT, $$, :, +, -, (, NOT, EXISTS, or FOR
Closing quote (") missing
Exponent digits missing after 'E'
Invalid SQL statement
Successful Completion
No (more) data

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