Q) What types of partitioning are there for BW?
There are two Partitioning Performance aspects for BW (Cube & PSA) Query Data Retrieval Performance Improvement: Partitioning by (say) Date Range improves data retrieval by making best use of database [data range] execution plans and indexes (of say Oracle database engine). B) Transactional Load Partitioning Improvement: Partitioning based on expected load volumes and data element sizes. Improves data loading into PSA and Cubes by infopackages (Eg. without timeouts).
Q) What are Process Chains?
A) TCode is RSPC, is a sequence of processes scheduled in the background & waiting to be triggered by a specific event. Process chains nothing but grouping processes. Process variant (start variant) is the place the process chain knows where to start. There should be min and max one start variant in each process chain, here we specify when should the process chain start by giving date and time or if you want to start immediately Some of theses processes trigger an event of their own that in-turn triggers other processes. Ex: - Start chain → Delete BCube indexes → Load data from the source system to PSA → Load data from PSA to DataTarget ODS → Load data from ODS to BCube → Create Indexes for BCube after loading data → Create database statistics → Roll-Up data into the aggregate → Restart chain from beginning.
Q) What are Process Types & Process variant?
A) Process types are General services, Load Process & subsequent processing, Data Target Administration, Reporting agent & Other BW services. Process variant (start variant) is the place the process type knows when & where to start.
Q) Types of Updates?
A) Full Update, Init Delta Update & Delta Update.
Q) For what we use HIDE fields, SELECT fields & CANCELLATION fields?
A) Selection fields-- The only purpose is when we check this column, the field will appear in InfoPackage Data selection tab. Hide fields -- These fields are not transferred to BW transfer structure. Cancellation - It will reverse the posted documents of keyfigures of customer defined by multiplying it with -1...and nullifying the value. I think this is reverse posting
Q) How can I compare data in R/3 with data in a BW Cube after the daily delta loads?
Are there any standard procedures for checking them or matching the number of records?
A) You can go to R/3 TCode RSA3 and run the extractor. It will give you the number of records extracted. Then go to BW Monitor to check the number of records in the PSA and check to see if it is the same & also in the monitor header tab. A) RSA3 is a simple extractor checker program that allows you to rule out extracts problems in R/3. It is simple to use, but only really tells you if the extractor works. Since records that get updated into Cubes/ODS structures are controlled by Update Rules, you will not be able to determine what is in the Cube compared to what is in the R/3 environment. You will need to compare records on a 1:1 basis against records in R/3 transactions for the functional area in question. I would recommend enlisting the help of the end user community to assist since they presumably know the data. To use RSA3, go to it and enter the extractor ex: 2LIS_02_HDR. Click execute and you will see the record count, you can also go to display that data. You are not modifying anything so what you do in RSA3 has no effect on data quality afterwards. However, it will not tell you how many records should be expected in BW for a given load. You have that information in the monitor RSMO during and after data loads. From RSMO for a given load you can determine how many records were passed through the transfer rules from R/3, how many targets were updated, and how many records passed through the Update Rules. It also gives you error messages from the PSA.
Q) X & Y Tables?
A: X-table = A table to link material SIDs with SIDs for time-independent navigation attributes. Y-table = A table to link material SIDs with SIDS for time-dependent navigation attributes. There are four types of sid tables X time independent navigational attributes sid tables Y time dependent navigational attributes sid tables H hierarchy sid tables I hierarchy structure sid tables
Q) How to know in which table (SAP BW) contains Technical Name / Description and creation data of a particular Reports. Reports that are created using BEx Analyzer.
A) There is no such table in BW if you want to know such details while you are opening a particular query press properties button you will come to know all the details that you wanted. You will find your information about technical names and description about queries in the following tables. Directory of all reports (Table RSRREPDIR) and Directory of the reporting component elements (Table RSZELTDIR) for workbooks and the connections to queries check Where- used list for reports in workbooks (Table RSRWORKBOOK) Titles of Excel Workbooks in InfoCatalog (Table RSRWBINDEXT)
Q) What is a LUW in the delta queue?
A) A LUW from the point of view of the delta queue can be an individual document, a group of documents from a collective run or a whole data packet of an application extractor.
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