Q1. Define creational design patterns?
A. Creational patterns are used to define
and describe how objects are created at class instantiation time. Usually an
abstract super class contains the details of the classes that are instantiated
and the client class is unaware of such details. Singletion pattern, factory
method pattern, abstract factory pattern are examples of creational design
Q2. A class instance can be created using
new operator. Why should we use creational design patterns to create objects?
A. Using new operator to create objects is
a valid approach but its like hard coding the object type. If we are 100% sure
that our object will be of the same class all the time, then we use new
operator to create an object. In scenarios where the nature of the object can
change according to the nature of the program, we use creational design
patterns which offer flexible approach for creating class instances.
Q3. Which object oriented method is used
by the creational patterns to instantiate object?
A. Creational patterns use inheritance to
decide the object to be instantiated.
Q4. Define a factory with respect to
software development.
A. Object construction is referred as a
factory. It is used to isolate the creation of objects from their usage. If you
are using factory methods for objects creation, then the new derived types will
cause no code change in your classes that are using factories.
Q5. When will you use a Factory Pattern?
A. The factory pattern is preferred in the
following cases: - a class does not know which class of objects it must create
- factory pattern can be used where we need to create an object of any one of
sub-classes depending on the data provided
Q6. Give an example of factory method that
creates and return an object based on a String parameter. You have following
interface. Create 2 implementations for it and write a factory method for it.
1. package factory.pattern;
2. public interface IMessage {
3. void sendMessage(String phNr,
String messageContent);
4. }
A. SMSMessage and MMSMessage are
implementing IMessage and MessageFactory class provides a factory method
getMessageSender(String arg) method.
. package factory.pattern;
. public class SMSMessage
implements IMessage{
. @Override
. public void
sendMessage(String phNr, String messageContent) {
System.out.println(String.format("Sending SMS contnet: %s to %s",
messageContent, phNr));
. }
. }
. package factory.pattern;
. public class MMSMessage
implements IMessage{
. @Override
. public void
sendMessage(String phNr, String messageContent) {
System.out.println(String.format("Sending MMS contnet: %s to
%s", messageContent, phNr)); }
. }
. package factory.pattern;
. public class MessageFactory
. public static IMessage
getMessageSender (String arg){
. IMessage message = null;
. if(arg != null){
. message = new SMSMessage();
. } else if
. message = new
. }
. }
. return message;
. }
. }
Q7. Given below is a class that provides a
static factory method. Write a class to use this factory method.
1. package factory.pattern;
2. public class MessageFactory {
3. public static IMessage getMessageSender
(String arg){
4. IMessage message = null;
5. if(arg != null){
6. if(arg.equals("SMS")){
7. message = new SMSMessage();
8. } else if
9. message = new MMSMessage();
10. }
11. }
12. return message;
13. }
14. }
15. // IMessage interface - it can have
many implementations
16. package factory.pattern;
17. public interface IMessage {
18. void sendMessage(String phNr, String
19. }
A. Based on the command line argument,
factroy method will return an implementation of IMessage.
1. package factory.pattern;
2. public class MainTestClass {
3. public static void main(String[]
args) {
4. IMessage
messageSender = MessageFactory.getMessageSender(args[0]);
5. if(messageSender !=null){
6. messageSender.sendMessage("1234",
"Hello World");
7. }
8. }
9. }
Q8. Name the creational design pattern
that provides abstraction one level higher than the factory pattern.
A. Abstract factory pattern provides
abstraction one level higher than factory pattern. It encapsulates a group of
individual factories.
Q9. Write example of abstract factory
pattern using following interfaces.
1. interface GUIFactory {
2. public Button createButton();
3. }
4. interface Button {
5. public void paint();
6. }
A. WInFactory and OSXFactory are the
implementations of GUIFactory. TestApplicationRunner provides
createOsSpecificFactory method that returns GUIFactory.
1. class WinFactory implements
GUIFactory {
2. public WinButton createButton() {
3. return new WinButton();
4. }
5. }
6. class OSXFactory implements
GUIFactory {
7. public OSXButton createButton() {
8. return new OSXButton();
9. }
10. }
11. class WinButton implements Button {
12. public void paint() {
13. System.out.println("I'm a
14. }
15. }
16. class OSXButton implements Button {
17. public void paint() {
18. System.out.println("I'm an
19. }
20. }
21. class Application {
22. public Application(GUIFactory factory)
23. Button button =
24. button.paint();
25. }
26. }
27. public class TestApplicationRunner {
28. public static void main(String[] args)
29. new
30. }
31. public static GUIFactory createOsSpecificFactory(String
arg) {
32. if (arg.equals("0)) {
33. return new WinFactory();
34. } else {
35. return new OSXFactory();
36. }
37. }
38. }
Q10. What is the difference between
factory design pattern and abstract factory design pattern?
A. Both are creational design patterns.
Factory pattern is said to be there if there is method in a class that is used
to create class instances. Any class can have factory methods. Using abstract
factory pattern, an instance of a class is created that has only factory
Q11. When will you use Abstract factory
A. Abstract factory pattern is preferred
in situations where the names of actual implementing classes are not needed to
be known at the client side. This would mean that we can change the
implementation from one factory to another.
Q12. Which of the following relation can
hold between abstract factory and factory method?
A. Abstract factory HAS_A (not always)
factory method.
Q13. What benefits you achieve with factory
A. Factory method makes the code more
flexible and reusable by eliminating the instantiation of application-specific
classes. This way the code deals only with the interface and can work with any
concrete class that supports this interface.
Q14. What is the liability of using
factory method for object creation?
A. We need to do subclassing just to
instantiate a particular class.
Q15. Name the design pattern in which a
class delegates the responsibility of object instantiation to another object
via composition.
A. Abstract factory pattern
Q16. Name the design pattern that uses
inheritance and relies on a subclass to handle the desired object
A. Factory method pattern Note: From Q to
Q are base on the following code:
1. public class MazeFactory {
2. public Maze makeMaze() {return
new Maze();}
3. public Room makeRoom(int n)
{return new Room(n);}
4. public Wall makeWall() {return
new Wall();}
5. public Door makeDoor(Room r1,
Room r2) {
6. return new Door(r1, r2);}
7. }
8. public class EnchantedMazeFactory
extends MazeFactory {
9. public Room makeRoom(int n)
{return new EnchantedRoom(n);}
10. public Wall makeWall() {return new
11. public Door makeDoor(Room r1, Room r2)
12. {return new EnchantedDoor(r1, r2);}
13. }
Q17. What type of methods are defined in
MazeFactory class?
A. MazeFactory class contains a collection
of factory methods.
Q18. Name the AbstractFactory in the given
A. MazeFactory is acting as both an
AbstractFactory and a ConcreteFactory.
Q19. Which design pattern you will use if
your system being developed must use just one of a set of families of products?
A. Abstract factory pattern can be used if
system being developed must use just one of a set of families of products.
Q20. What is singletion design pattern?
A. Singleton design pattern allows us to
use just one instance of a particular class. It insures that one and only once
instance of a particular class is used when requested.
Q21. Give an example scenario where you
will use singletion pattern.
A. Assume what we are writing an
application that needs to log events in a log file. Logging is done with
timestamp. We do not want to have more than one instances of Logger otherwise
the log file will be created with every instance. In this case, we use
Singleton pattern and instantiate the logger when the first request comes or
when the server is started.
Q22. Write singleton example?
A. The following class shows how to write
a singleton class:
1. public class SingletonObjectTest
2. private static SingletonObject
3. private SingletonObjectTest() {
4. }
5. public static SingletonObjectTest
getSingletonObject() {
6. if (singletonObject == null) {
7. singletonObject = new
8. }
9. return singletonObject;
10. }
11. }
Q23. Can you name some design patterns
that make use of singletion pattern?
A. The Abstract Factory, Builder, and
Prototype patterns may use singletion pattern. Also facade objects are often
Q24. How to you prevent instantiation of a
singletion class from other classes?
A. Singleton class can have a private
constructor with zero argument to prevent instantiation from other classes. For
1. public class SingletonTest {
2. private SingletonTest() { }
3. }
Q25. What are the drawbacks of using
singletion design pattern?
A. The following drawbacks of Singleton
pattern must be considered before applying it to any solution: - it introduces
global state into an application and thus it makes unit testing far more
difficult -access to the singleton in a multi-threaded context must be
Q26. Name the creational design pattern
that is used to build complex objects step by step.
A. Builder pattern builds complex objects
from simple ones. It separates the construction of complex objects from their
representation. The purpose of builder pattern is to abstract steps of object
construction so that different implementations of these steps can construct
different representations of objects.
Q27. What is the role of director in
builder pattern implementation?
A. The sequence of object creation is
managed by director class. It receives a Concrete Builder (implementation of
abstract interface for creating objects) as a parameter and executes the
necessary operations on it.
Q28. Write an example to show how builder
pattern can be applied.
A. The following example uses builder
pattern to construct a Pizza object using PizzaBuilder.
1. public class Pizza {
2. private String dough;
3. private String sauce;
4. private String topping;
5. public String getDough() {
6. return dough;
7. }
8. public void setDough(String
dough) {
9. this.dough = dough;
10. }
11. public String getSauce() {
12. return sauce;
13. }
14. public void setSauce(String sauce) {
15. this.sauce = sauce;
16. }
17. public String getTopping() {
18. return topping;
19. }
20. public void setTopping(String topping)
21. this.topping = topping;
22. }
23. Pizza(PizzaBuilder builder) {
24. dough = builder.getDough();
25. sauce = builder.getSauce();
26. topping = builder.getTopping();
27. }
28. @Override
29. public String toString() {
30. return "Dough:"+dough
+" Topping:"+topping+" Sauce:"+sauce;
31. }
32. }
33. public class PizzaBuilder {
34. String dough;
35. String sauce;
36. String topping;
37. public String getDough() {
38. return dough;
39. }
40. public String getSauce() {
41. return sauce;
42. }
43. public String getTopping() {
44. return topping;
45. }
46. public PizzaBuilder setDough(String
dough) {
47. this.dough = dough;
48. return this;
49. }
50. public PizzaBuilder setSauce(String
sauce) {
51. this.sauce = sauce;
52. return this;
53. }
54. public PizzaBuilder setTopping(String
topping) {
55. this.topping = topping;
56. return this;
57. }
58. public Pizza build() {
59. return new Pizza(this);
60. }
61. }
62. public class PizzaBuilderExample {
63. public static void main(String[] args)
64. PizzaBuilder hawaiianPizzaBuilder =
new PizzaBuilder()
66. Pizza hawaiianPizza =
67. System.out.println("Hawaiian
Pizza: "+hawaiianPizza);
68. }
69. }
Q29. When cloning an object is preferred
over creating a new one?
A. If cost of creating a new object is
larger than the cost of cloning the object, then it is better to clone the
Q30. What is prototype pattern?
A. Prototype simply means making a clone
and it is used to cloning an object to avoid its creation. Java provides an
interface called Cloneable whose method clone() is used to clone an object.
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